One of the biggest questions that we ask ourselves is “Why am I here?” We all seem to reach a point where we realize that life is short, but it does have a purpose. People are finding their voices and finding their path in life; in this tumultuous time, a lot of us are thrown into our purpose. If you’re like my husband, it took being in an uncomfortable situation to be shown where to go next. Sadly, too many of us wander through life, doing what’s safe, waiting for our purpose to fall into our laps. Thinking often of Esther 4:14b, I know that whatever it may be, we have a purpose and it’s our responsibility to seek it out. As I sought out mine, one book changed my life. It helped me to find and define my purpose.
One of the biggest things that people often fail to recognize is that our lives have a divine purpose. Seeking it out isn’t necessarily the easiest thing that we do; we do it nonetheless.
As Christians, our purpose is intrinsically tied to serving others. Galatians 5:13 reminds us “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.” Whether your heart and skills thrive in the arts or technical field, our abilities should line up with Kindgom building. We are to glorify God and build up those around us along the way.
How do you do those things? Find it within the gifts you’ve been given in this life. Fortunately for me, one of my gifts is that of talking, and I have the privilege to serve you through this ministry. Cultivating my skills throughout my life was very pleasurable, but at the heart of it, it wasn’t serving people in the way that it could. Walking away from salaries and job security was a small step on the path of a larger mission.
If you’re a visual learner, reading books will be right up your alley. Reading books allows for meditation at the moment and revisitation down the road. Here is a list of 4 books that will help you to find and define your purpose in life. No matter if you already know what your purpose is or if you’re wondering if there is a different path for you, these titles will help to guide you on your way.
Hatch, Leap, Soar: Your 3-Steps to Total Fulfillment, Real Success and True Happiness
2019 was a rough year for me and my entire family. We lost my aunt, finances were a little shaky, and my job was stressing me out. So much so that I ended up being put on a heart monitor. My husband made it his mission to get me away from everything for a while and took me out of the country. Prior to this trip, I was so unhappy. Trapped was probably a more accurate description. Going on a restorative vacation helped, but I knew that it wasn’t going to resolve anything. This book gave me the courage to step out on faith, leave my job, and walk into my purpose. This was the book that changed everything for me. Get your copy here and prepare to hatch, leap, and soar.
The Purpose-Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?
The Purpose-Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? was the first book I ever read on figuring out my purpose in life. Rick Warren walks you through 40 days of a guided spiritual journey designed to teach you that you were created for a purpose and to help you shape and form it. The first time that I went through it, I was in a different place in my life. Not having an idea of what my purpose could possibly look like, I went into it without a plan. Years later, as my life and needs have changed, I’m thinking this would be a great opportunity to work through it again to affirm if I’m walking the right path. Explore your Purpose Driven Life here.
opening the door to your God-sized dream
As a person who struggles with anxiety, Opening the Door to Your God-Sized Dream was a real help. Fear is a factor that holds many people back from fulfilling their purpose. This pocket-sized book is a 40-day guided encouragement to trust in God and walk in faith, as you figure out what your purpose is and how to live in it. Prefer the manuscript over the devotional? Try You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You.
Soar! Build Your Vision From the Ground Up
“Take your career to the next level, realize your greatest dreams, and embrace your God-given talents with this practical game plan for your professional and personal life.” When in a job that feels like it’s taking everything from you (see above) it’s easy to feel like there’s nowhere to go. Soar! reminds us that we can take control of what our lives look like and where we go, no matter when we decide to embark upon the journey. And beyond finding and following your individual purpose, T.D. Jakes teaches how to transform your own unique vision into a powerful contribution to the world. Soar! with Bishop Jakes here.
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