“Lucky” is the way that people like to describe themselves when their lives + situations fall into what their expectations are. There are so many ideas about what it means to be lucky or how to become lucky. We all seem to be searching for something to make our lives better + more comfortable.
But what about our relationships? Do you feel like you’ve cast a good lot in this area of your life?
Do you know that you’re already lucky?
It’s really easy to feel like the lucky one when you know what you have. People who consider themselves lucky have this natural ability to be appreciative of what’s already there. There is nothing wrong with wanting more + better things for your life. I personally want children, a bigger house, more money + to be in a better situation in life. But to consider yourself lucky, you have to first have a sense of contentment.
Phillipians 4:12 states, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation,…”
I am truly thankful for the things that I have. I have an amazing husband, we have a roof over our heads, an income + ministry work about which we’re excited. We feel very lucky to have the lives that we have + the blessings that we can share with others.
Are you lucky enough to master the art of conversation?
Conversation is an art form. I consider myself incredibly lucky in my marriage because my husband talks to me. We have a relationship where we can talk to each other about any + everything. This isn’t something that I always had. I used to be too insecure to voice my opinions on things, for fear of upsetting him. Not that he’s an overbearing or unkind person, but I loathe conflict with my hubby. I don’t like the feelings of uneasiness that come from discord, so I used to not say anything when I was upset or needed to converse. But I’m lucky enough that he’s receptive. It probably doesn’t hurt that he’s training to be a therapist + is ready to go “on duty” when I need him to be.
An integral part of a successful relationship is being able to truly talk to your partner. Being able to cultivate this aspect of your relationship is directly proportional to your happiness…which, in turn, leaves you feeling like you’ve lucked out with the smooth sailing of your relationship!
Are you lucky enough to learn from your mistakes?
We are human. We are fallible. We are going to make mistakes. But the thing that separates those who have luck from those who feel unlucky is the ability to learn from our mistakes. Albert Einstein alluded that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over + over, but expecting different results. Trying to get a different outcome from the same tactics can indeed drive you nuts! The way of progress in our professional endeavors is to learn from the things that we do wrong, to self-correct/adjust + move into another direction.
Did you know that the same concept works in our personal endeavors? It truly does! One thing I’ve learned is that when I learn from the mistakes that I make, I’m able to grow from them. Proverbs 24:16 reminds us that “{For} the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity.”
On the contrary, Proverbs 26:11 warns us that “Like a dog that returns to its vomit, a fool does the same foolish things again and again.” It’s up to us whether we learn from our mistakes or set ourselves to drive ourselves {+ our partners} nuts with our stubbornness.
If you’re still searching for other ways to make your own luck, check out this article from Marc and Angel Chernoff on what lucky people do differently!
Keep That Lucky In Love Feeling
If we look to find the blessings in our lives, we’ll always be lucky. Enjoy this free printable to remind you that you are indeed lucky in love, if only you look to see it.
Nowadays you have to be very extremely lucky and blessed to find love, now that the world has changed since it was very easy back in the past the way our family members met one another with no problem.