Lipstick can sometimes be the most attention-getting thing that a woman can wear. Maybe that’s just me. My idea of getting fancy is foundation and lipstick. Like, if I fancy up my lips, then we’re really going somewhere!
I had a conversation with a friend who was talking about how our lips can be used in our relationships + it got me thinking: what shade of lipstick do you wear in your relationship? And while we were certainly talking about marriages, your shade of lipstick should be properly applied in any + every relationship that you have in your life.
The Dark, Matte Lipstick
Are you wearing a dark matte lipstick? Does your partner or friend look at your mouth + dread the things that will come out of it? In a time where people are busy putting themselves first, it’s very easy to sport dark lips. It’s the path of least resistance. It requires no grace, humility, or forgiveness. It lets people say what they mean, regardless of the impact that it has on others.
I rarely have an issue with saying uplifting words to my husband. I don’t make it a habit to wear dark lipstick…with him. Admittedly, I’m not always so gracious with others around me, especially those who have wounded me. I get defensive + suit up in my matte with extra coats, just in case. In the pursuit of Christ, I have to learn how to wear a different shade at all times, not just when it’s convenient for me.
Proverbs 27:6 says “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.” Are the words that come out of your mouth uplifting or are they wreaking havoc + destruction all around you? The words that pass by your lips have the power to kill or heal {Proverbs 18:21.} If they are eroding the relationships closest to you, then maybe you should try a different shade of lipstick…
The Soft, Natural Lipstick
“There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword, But the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Proverbs 12:18. Agape love is {usually} the hardest love to practice. It requires so many things of us: forgiveness, patience, understanding, grace, wisdom, etc. It actually takes work. But like a natural look, it doesn’t require a lot of dressing up or extreme application of makeup.
My favorite interpretation of agape love is that it is the highest form of love + charity. It is the love of God for man + that of man, for God. We love because He first loved us! We have to put ourselves second to others, as a reflection of our pursuit of Jesus. We have to love our neighbors in the way in which we want to be loved. We love our spouses in the way that they need to be loved. We don’t make everything about self.
We’re even nice to people who despise us… *says the pot to the kettle…*
The Red, Hot Lipstick
Ahh, my favorite shade of marriage lipstick, from the eros collection! Wives, are you listening? One of the love languages is the language of physical touch + it’s such an easy way for couples show love to one another. Whether it’s holding hands…or something a little steamier…it’s a shade of lipstick that you need to wear for the health + well-being of your marriage. Know that even the Scriptures say you need to get it on! 1 Corinthians 7:3 {ESV} says “The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband.” I certainly didn’t miss the first part of that verse!
Are you wearing the red, hot lipstick or is your marriage suffering in this area? If you’re intentionally depriving each other of physical intimacy, stop it! Sex {or even affection} in marriage should never be used as a bargaining chip or a means to an end to try + get your way with something {1 Corinthians 7:5.} Sexual intimacy is an important part of a marriage. It’s your duty to share that booty!
But seriously, this is one of the most important lipstick colors that you can wear to maintain the health, happiness + vitality of your marital relationship. Do you wear it often or do you only apply it on special occasions? Engaged couples, are you listening? I still encourage you to wait until you’re married to put on the red lipstick, but when you get married, make sure that you wear it as often as you need to!
What Shade of Lipstick Should You Wear?
No matter what kind of relationship you have, be it a platonic friendship or something a little more intimate, look in the mirror + check to see what shade of lipstick you’re wearing. If you’re wearing a dark matte, try switching it up a little bit.
What shade of lipstick are you wearing? Should you be wearing something in a different color? Tell me in the comments below!
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