Love is a beautiful thing. Paul spoke to the Church at Corinth about how they were supposed to treat one another. The Bible doesn’t give us clear instructions on how to date someone, but Scripture is all over the place about how to treat people in general. I’m a big proponent for being besties with your spouse. It’s easy to get mad at your significant other…and stay mad, but much harder to stay mad at your best friend.
1 Corinthians 13: 1-8a tell us the different characteristics of love…the things that we need to practice if we truly and deeply care for someone and would want to consider entering into a covenant relationship with them. Love is:
- patient
- kind
- does not envy
- does not brag
- is not puffed up
- is not rude
- is not self-serving
- is not easily angered
- is not glad about injustice
- rejoices in truth
- bears all things
- believes all things
- hopes all things
- endures all things
- never fails
The funny thing is, if you handle your spouse with lots of agape love, it often leads to lots of eros love…hehe… But that’s another topic for another time…
It’s giveaway time!
So here’s what I have for you! I got this absolutely beautiful print from Home, James and I want to give it away to one of my awesome followers. I seriously love + appreciate you.
All you need to do is be a subscriber to the blog + leave a comment. Leave a comment at the end of this post letting me know what you learned about yourself from this series or leave a comment on one of the other posts in this series {linked above.} I’m looking forward to the conversations and wish you the best of luck!
Contest Rules:
Open to residents of the US only, aged 18+.Must be a subscriber to Yoked.Must leave a comment on at least one of the 1 Corinthians 13 series posts.Winner will be drawn at 8pm CST on Saturday, June 18.
I have learned that besides my relationship with God, that the next important relationship is the one with my husband. I tend to get mad and stay mad. I tend to take account of his wrongs and I tend to love based off of how I feel. I have learned that is not what God want’s me to do. I need to love unconditionally because God doesn’t put in condition’s on his love for me. I have learned to not be rude, to be loving and understanding. God has been gracious with his patient’s for me and I’m learning to be more patient with my husband. We are one for a reason.
You are so right about that! God does put a few conditions on us, and we are allowed to put a few conditions on our love for our spouse; I think that’s important in that it can shield us from accepting abuse and helps us to guard our hearts (Prov 4:23) Patience and loving openly are the first things that help in healing our relationships and I’m so happy that you’re learning that for your marriage!