The question that I’m asked today is this: If you could be completely honest with no regrets, what would you say and to whom?
If you could be completely honest with no regrets, what would you say?
If I could be completely honest, I would say “honey, your sex game will never be that good!” I would say that no matter which way you smack it, flip it, rub it down, it will never be enough to keep a man who don’t wanna be kept. You can learn the techniques of Corrine Stephens or make moves like Jenna Jameson, but there is no performance that you can put on to get a man to stay with you if he doesn’t want to be there. That it might feel good to you in the moment + the cuddling afterward is really nice, but is that really all you have to offer him?
I would say, let me be honest honey, he’s not worth it. Sure, he looks good + he says that he loves you, but why can’t you see that he’s not the one? And because he’s not the one, why can’t you admit that he’s really not that into you? Be honest, my dear, why are you trying to sleep your way into love? What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of person do you want to be known as? Do you know that God loves you + wants you to love yourself?
Do you understand that He has a higher purpose for your body + that you should keep it pure? Did you know that your purity is not just about being “square” or “uptight,” but it’s about keeping you focused on the Kingdom + what you were meant to do in this world…what you were meant to do for this world? 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 tells us to flee from immorality. Don’t just skip away, glancing back over your shoulder…move like The Flash!
I would say that the honest truth is that there is no real sexual + emotional safety outside of the bonds of marriage. The hardest thing to do is to get on the narrow path after you’ve enjoyed the depth + breadth of the wider trail.
I would say you’re worth the wait of having the ring.
To whom would you give the honest truth?
I would say it to my younger self.
My 16-year-old self who was curious to see what all the fuss was about.
My 20-year-old self who stayed in an abusive relationship because she was afraid to be alone.
My 27-year-old self who entered into a relationship she knew was wrong, only to find out the truth was much worst that she thought.
My 30-year-old self who didn’t know how to break her own cycle of destruction.
She needed to hear the honest truth, so that she could learn to wait on Him to send him, and in the meantime, give her best self to the Kingdom + the world.
If you could be completely honest with no regrets, what would you say and to whom?
I had to laugh when I read this. Because to be honest I thought my sex game was on lock lol. Until I found out that sex can’t make a man want you or stay with you. But not only that, I felt like being there for my man and supporting his hopes and dreams would help him to see how great of a women I am. Well long story short I helped him build his business and he cheated on me with someone who would do anything sexually for him that I wouldn’t. But when I looked back on that relationship he wasn’t who God wanted me to be with. See now that I look back on it God was showing me his love and my worth. But I felt like I needed my man to see who God saw in me. A man will see that on his own if he was meant to be apart of your life. That was a crazy relationship and the sad part is that the women he cheated on me with only wanted him for what she thought he had. But when I left him she saw he didn’t have anything. He looks back on our relationship and wishes he would have done things better, but I told him I was never meant to stay with him. I talk to my daughter all the time about her worth and how she should love herself first. A man will always see your worth and beauty. Wait until your married to give yourself to a man.
All of this and amen!